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The Three Tools ALL Top Performers Leverage

It’s me, Jordan Winar. I want to share something with you that will change your business, your career, and what you learn will even positively impact your children and grandchildren.

You see, a couple of days ago a friend of mine who works at Amazon asked me this question, “Jordan, why did you and Carl write THIS book in the first place?”

He really emphasized ‘THIS.’

I asked, “What do you mean?”

He said, “I mean you are a storyteller. You could have written a thriller or a romance novel. Or maybe you could have written a tactical guide on sales but you chose to write THIS type of book. It’s a fictional story based on true stories from you and Carl’s selling days. Why?”

I thought for a few moments, then responded, “It took us years to document and test the pathway into the top echelon… and I guess we really didn’t want other people to take as long as we did to figure it out.”

“Figure WHAT out?” he asked.

Again, I paused before answering, “It might sound a bit over the top, but we want people to figure out how to be world-class persuaders. That one skill alone will take them to the upper echelon of success in almost any endeavor. The book is a literal map to success in life and sales. We wanted it to be easy to read, so we wrote it as a fictional story. It has an older mentor–Brad, s 17-day plan or playbook, and the only thing the reader has to do is to take action. We developed the map, but we can’t do the work.

He laughed, “Did you intentionally mean to give me the acronym for MAP - Mentor, Action, and Playbook?”

I smiled, “I know that the MAP is the answer to mastery when you put those three things together. And this book gives you two of the three. I know it will create 100X more value for the reader than what they paid for it. I know they can use the tools in the book to get real value because it worked for me, personally. I know the truths in it are timeless and even my 10 year old can understand and apply it. It’s relatable and it gives a clear roadmap that is fail-proof!

People desperately need the message in the book. I know in my heart, if a person applies the action-steps in this book, their life will be transformed… And not just this life, but for eternity.”

He raised his eyebrows.

“THAT is the reason Carl and I wrote this book. It’s written in a story format. You will meet Brad who is a business owner. He will be your MENTOR. He gives you a PLAYBOOK and all he asks before you join his program is that you commit to each assignment and agree to work hard with a serious commitment to yourself for seventeen days.

So what is this “MAP” and how can you apply it:

1. Mentor or Manager that has ALREADY done what you are trying to accomplish

2. Taking Action also known as Work Ethic

3. Clear Path to Success (Playbook)

That is the MAP that will take you to the top.

Sadly, most organizations are run by poor management with no clear playbook or path to success. What’s even worse; they churn through hard working employees who want to and are willing to succeed, but aren’t guided in the right direction… Maybe you are a victim of that kind of management..

So how are you doing when you grade yourself on the MAP system? Are you taking the correct action? Are you listening to a proven mentor? Are you following a proven path?

Think through and spend a few minutes answering these questions and then apply them today. It’s how every top echelon person started. It’s also how great managers train their people!

If you already read this book, you know it’s helping. If you have any people on your team who haven’t read this book, they are costing you money and YOU know they are not being their best! What kind of manager does that to their people?

I will go one step further and for every copy you purchase I am willing to give you at half the cost meaning every copy you purchase today will only cost $8.95.

Use coupon code: TAKEACTION

Lead well today,

Jordan Winar Offer good through 7/26/2023 at

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